Martabat To Samiri : I saw Lytta talking to a tree stump the other night. His silhouette was unmistakable in the moonlight and he was quite absorbed in the conversation.
Of course I didn't want to interrupt; he seemed to enjoy himself very much but as I was about to leave, he stood up and danced all by himself. Remember the song I told you about? The one raining spit? Yea, he appeared very much like the crazed lunatic in that song.
Perhaps you would like to try it too sometime, Samiri. It appeared like Lytta relished his conversation with the stump very much...Could it be that it was more engaging than the beast?
The wicked are wicked no doubt, and they go astray, and they fall, and they come by their desserts. But who can tell the mischief that the very virtuous do?
—William Makepeace Thackeray